Tip #784: How is Your Physical Intelligence?

“Physical intelligence underpins our cognitive and emotional intelligence.” Claire Dale, Patricia Peyton

No, this isn’t about starting an exercise program. And yes, this is the first time I’ve heard of it. But I thought it was worth passing on to you.

Physical intelligence is “the ability to detect and actively manage the balance of chemicals in our brains so that we can achieve more, experience less stress and live more happily.”

In their book Physical Intelligence, Claire Dale and Patricia Peyton explain the four key elements of physical intelligence and the brain chemicals associated with them. I’ve added in [brackets] the emotional intelligence element that may be influenced by the physical intelligence element:

  • Strength:  this comprises inner strength and confidence, signified by appropriate risk-taking, good cognitive function and decision-making under pressure, as well as establishing clear boundaries and remaining committed. [self-regulation]
  • Flexibility:  being creative, innovative and collaborative, having high self-esteem and respect for others, effectively engaging and influencing others, adapting to different behavior styles and agendas, being agile and quick-thinking, and finally embracing and instigating change. [empathy and social skills]
  • Resilience:  bouncing back from adversity and conflict, being optimistic, adopting a learning mindset, as well as developing a well-functioning immune system through emotional, mental and physical fitness. [self awareness]
  • Endurance:  having staying power and determination, focusing on and achieving long-term goals, finding intrinsic motivation, planning, executing and maintaining long-term performance. [motivation]

They call the correct chemical balance the “winning cocktail.” Here are the signature feeling or feelings associated with each chemical:

  • Acetylcholine –balance
  • Adrenalin –fear or excitement
  • Cortisol –anxiety
  • DHEA –vitality
  • Dopamine –pleasure and need
  • Oxytocin –belonging
  • Serotonin –happiness
  • Testosterone –power and control

For advice regarding how to manage these chemicals to achieve a balanced life, see physical intelligence

May your learning be sweet.


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