Tip #878: How to Describe Our New Normal
”No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world.” John Keating Our new normal is very complex. I thought I would
”No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world.” John Keating Our new normal is very complex. I thought I would
“Let’s call them real skills, not soft.” Seth Godin I’m tired of the false distinctions that are often made between soft skills and hard skills.
“Why do people always gesture with their hands when they talk on the phone?” Jonathan Carroll We’ve discovered that movement contributes to greater learning and
There are kinesthetic activities that can be used to get participants up and out of their seats during virtual presentations. Six that immediately come to
“The corpus callosum facilitates more efficient learning and recall for both verbal and visual information.” Lynn K. Paul By its very nature, the virtual world is static. We spend
“Life is about accepting the challenges along the way, choosing to keep moving forward, and savoring the journey.” Roy T. Bennett I had an interesting
“Before anything else, preparation is the key to success.” Alexander Graham Bell Your virtual communication will be more effective if you prepare your physical space,
“I believe that first impressions are very important.” F.W. de Klerk If you want to make a positive impression on a virtual platform, here are
“Making assumptions simply means believing things are a certain way with little or no evidence that shows you are correct, and you can see at
“You cannot cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water.” R. Tagore I recently became aware of group facilitation and problem solving
“We don’t care what people know, we care what they do. It’s all about performance.” – Michael Allen Asynchronous e-learning’s claim to fame is that it
“Learning experience design is the process of creating learning experiences that enable the learner to achieve the desired learning outcome in a human centered and
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