Tip #1008: Their Path to Success Won’t Be Yours
We know that change is constant. It’s constant in life, it’s constant for human beings, and it’s constant for organizations. Because change is constant, organizations
We know that change is constant. It’s constant in life, it’s constant for human beings, and it’s constant for organizations. Because change is constant, organizations
There are seven factors that increase learner motivation: Extrinsic to Intrinsic Motivation. When a participant approaches learning to achieve some result (such as a grade
This tip discusses five steps to make learning stick so that 80% of training participants will retain and apply what they learned. Is it enough
“To be successful in a knowledge economy, firms need to create learning organizations.” Don Tapscott There is a lot of discussion about the need for
“Learning is not the product of teaching. Learning is the product of the activity of learners.” John Holt Pedagogy focuses on how children learn best.
It doesn’t matter if you are conducting a meeting or facilitating a workshop that is face to face or virtual. Its success depends upon participant
There may be times that an open conflict will occur in a meeting that you are facilitating. There is nothing wrong with conflict in and
This is a wonderful prompt to help learners engage witih the content by preparing them to think about how it will help them. Unfortunately, I
Jim Kwik is the CEO of Kwik Learning and he has identified four keys to learning any subject, which he describes with the acronym F.A.S.T.
“You, your leaders, and your investors are interested in learning only insofar as it improves performance and gets business results.” Michael Dulworth and Frank Bordonaro
This tip is about virtual learning recommendations and learning activities that I gained from reading Cindy Huggett’s book. Virtual Training Tools and Templates: An Action
“Think about what your learners need to do with that information after the course is finished and design around that.” Matthew Guyan I just became
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