Audit Approach

Do you need to audit internal and outsourced training to ensure consistent quality learning?

  • Are you outsourcing your training programs?
  •  Do you have a number of facilitators conducting the same training?
  • Are you concerned that you have lost quality control over their  effective presentation in the classroom?
  • Would you like to assure yourself that the intended learning is

The effectiveness of a training program depends upon the decisions that the instructors make about what will be taught and how it will be taught. It is possible to determine the probability of  learning by evaluating those decisions using the Mastery Teaching Model developed by Dr. Madeline Hunter at UCLA. This is true even if you do not speak the native language or are not technically proficient in the content.

We use a proven training audit process that uses a collaborative approach to work with audited trainers to review and improve their training decisions regarding content, learner activities,  platform skills, and group facilitation.

The effectiveness of training can be determined through a collaborative audit process that is intended to encourage the trainers to: (1) become conscious of the instructional decisions  that they make and (2) actively participate in a collaborative process with the auditor to improve the quality of those decisions.

These training decisions fall into three  categories:

  • what content to teach next,
  • what the learner will do to learn and to demonstrate learning  has occurred, and
  •  what the trainer will do to facilitate the acquisition of that  learning.

There are seven questions we use to assess the quality and effectiveness of the design and  delivery of any training program:

  1.  Is anything done to increase learner motivation?
  2. Have the learners been set up for success?
  3. Do they receive timely and constructive feedback?
  4. Do the learning activities help them build confidence in their own competence?
  5. Is their interest engaged?
  6. Has their level of concern been raised or lowered as needed to facilitate learning?
  7. What type of learning climate has the trainer created?

You can use the answers to these questions to assess current training effectiveness and to coach those who design and deliver the training to improve the learning experience.

To the extent possible, the auditor credits the trainers with authoring or proposing the recommendations. This enables the trainers to retain their status as trainers concerned with providing optimal learning. In addition, their “co-author” attribution publicly  and formally commits them to implementing the audit recommendations.

We also provide training in how to conduct a training audit:

  •  Auditing for Quality Training