Open Society Institute-Croatia, Soros Foundation
Curriculum Design and Train the Trainer: Designed and facilitated two five-day Train the Trainer classes for the business and academic staff of small business development consulting centers that were in the process of being established in Osijek and Dubrovnik, Croatia. The intention was to prepare them to teach entrepreneurship using training best practices.
Curriculum Design: Over a period of four years, consulted with professors in the Economics Department of J.J. Strossmeyer University in Osijek, Croatia to design the first Eastern European participant-based Masters Degree program in Entrepreneurship. Trained the professors, audited their programs, and facilitated coaching training as part of the program. This program has resulted in the creation of more than 40 new businesses in Croatia.
Curriculum Design and Training Pilot: On the basis of the results of the training needs assessment, designed the curriculum, facilitator guides and PowerPoint slides for an eight-day Business Management Training series for Small Private Medical Teaching Institutions in Zambia, then piloted it in Lusaka, Zambia.