Tip #880: A Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy
This Tip focuses on the revised Bloom’s taxonomy and my epiphany about the level when lecture is appropriate. Bloom’s Taxonomy Knowledge was originally the first
This Tip focuses on the revised Bloom’s taxonomy and my epiphany about the level when lecture is appropriate. Bloom’s Taxonomy Knowledge was originally the first
“Why do people always gesture with their hands when they talk on the phone?” Jonathan Carroll We’ve discovered that movement contributes to greater learning and
This is a wonderful prompt to help learners engage witih the content by preparing them to think about how it will help them. Unfortunately, I
Jim Kwik is the CEO of Kwik Learning and he has identified four keys to learning any subject, which he describes with the acronym F.A.S.T.
In the last Tip, I shared virtual learning activities for developing preprogram content, starting-before-you-start, and helping participants minimize distractions. All were drawn from Cindy Huggett’s
There are kinesthetic activities that can be used to get participants up and out of their seats during virtual presentations. Six that immediately come to
This tip discusses three virtual activities that will meet the needs of kinesthetic learners. A Static Virtual World By its very nature, the virtual world
“There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.” William Shakespeare I have always thought and taught that stress is debilitating and
“Organizational culture is not what’s written on the walls as posters. It is what is spoken, felt and done between the walls on the floor.”
This Tip focuses on four conditions, according to David Rock, that need to be present when a skill is learned: AGES. Our ultimate intent when
This Tip considers seven interactive virtual activities, six of which come from Cindy Huggett in her books. I added the seventh. “The planned activities are
This tip is about converting classroom activities into virtual learning activities using different platform tools. A major concern about virtual training is how to keep
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