Tip #447: The Saga of the First Day of Training in Amman- continued

“A women under stress is not immediately concerned with finding solutions to her problems but rather seeks relief by expressing herself and being understood.” John Gray

The lunch buffet was spectacular, starting with lamb. There must have been 5 different salad or vegetable dishes, as well as pasta dishes, other meat, humus, several types of breads, and rice. There was also a huge table filled with about ten different types of desserts. The salad, vegetables, lamb and rice that I had were delicious.

Wail (an older man) told me about demonstrating a solar oven at the Death Sea the other day for journalists. I don’t remember what he cooked, but it took just an hour using the sun’s energy. He told me that Jordan is not interested in nuclear power since solar power is so much safer- and Jordan has mostly sunny days.

There was another interesting conversation after I mentioned coming from Nigeria. Mohammad and Wail made a comparison between the level of graft in Nigeria (very high) and in Jordan (not half as high) as well as the level of danger (as I’ve written, it’s unwise to walk alone in Nigeria) while most areas are very safe in Jordan.

Both of these men are engineers who travel all over the world. Wail had just returned from Libya, which he said needs everything- referring to organization, technology, etc.

Mohammad the driver picked me up at the hotel and took me “home.” When I told him about the stressful morning, bless his heart, he arranged for Tarek, the other driver, to pick me up tomorrow instead of L-, with her approval. Hear me breathe a sigh of relief!

I told Mohammad about going out for shwarma with L- the night before and he showed me a place that is just a block from the hotel, should I ever want any more. I asked him where the best place was to have mansaf, which is a national food made of lamb, vegetables and yogurt. He offered to take me to a restaurant that serves it tomorrow! So you see how generous and kind everyone seems to be.

One glaring exception is the woman who takes our room number when we go into the breakfast buffet. Whereas the entire staff at the hotel in Nigeria were always smiling and greeting everyone in a very friendly and warm way, this woman is sullen and stolid and very unwelcoming. She is very definitely not a happy camper.

It’s really surprising, because even the people who screen us upon entry to the hotel smile and are very pleasant and friendly.

Oh, it was a nice surprise last night when I got into the shower. The housekeeper had left Dead Sea mud hair and body gel products for me in place of the standard (and quite nice) hotel issued products. I leave a good tip every day, which probably accounts in large part for this gesture.

I also had purchased and have been using some Dead Sea soft mud soap (although it is dark like mud, it doesn’t smell or feel that way) so that may have prompted the change. These products are supposed to have lots of good nutrients and minerals. I used some Dead Sea body lotion on my sunburn and it took the sting out immediately. I don’t look like a half boiled lobster any more. (The sunburn wasn’t that bad, but pretty close).

Well, I had better start work on tomorrow’s lesson before I get ready for bed. I’m totally pooped from today.

May your learning be sweet.



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