Trainers don’t throw learning activities into training programs just for the heck of it.
We have good reasons for our activity choices because they are based on the:
- desired behavioral change;
- necessary levels of learning; and
- activities that can help our learners achieve those learning levels.
There are two choices we typically have regarding the desired behavioral change: either build skills or change attitudes.
Next, we determine the necessary learning levels:
- For a skill-building training program, we use Bloom’s Taxonomy for the Cognitive Domain.
- For an attitude-changing training program, we use Bloom’s Taxonomy for the Affective Domain.
Only then can we select the appropriate learning activities.
Although we have many learning activity choices, I’ve just suggested one as an example.
In a skill-building training, if we want learners to:
- gain knowledge, we might use a lecture.
- comprehend, we might use a questionnaire.
- apply what they’ve learned, we might use a hands on activity.
- conduct an analysis, we might use a case study.
- apply criteria to evaluate something, we might use a problem solving activity.
- create something new, we might use an action-planning assignment.
In an attitude-changing training, if we want learners to:
- receive new information, we might use a lecture.
- respond and participate actively, we might use a small group discussion.
- decide the value and relevance of ideas, we might use a debate.
- reconcile internal conflicts and organize their values, we might use a case study.
- internalize values, we might use a simulation.
So, you can see there is considerable thought behind the selection of learning activities for a training program.
P.S. If your training programs seem patched together without rhyme or reason, contact me for curriculum design assistance or a train the trainer program.
May your learning be sweet.
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