Tip #984: Classroom, Self-Study, or E-Learning- What Would You Choose?- Part Two

In Part One, we discussed the benefits of a classroom training program. In this Tip, we consider what would be involved in converting the materials to e-learning or self-study.

Design and Delivery

Converting the classroom training program to an asynchronous online or self-study program was not a simple matter. It would require an investment of a significant amount of time and money.

The classroom participant materials and supplementary PowerPoint slides could not merely be placed online as an e-learning program or provided to participants in written form. The program would have to be completely redesigned for each format.

In addition, both programs would need to have someone who monitored the online or self-study activities, and read and responded to questions, materials and test results generated by the participants.

Even then, it would be unlikely that either program would be able to achieve the intended goals or benefits of the classroom program.

E-Learning Issues

Other drawbacks to providing an asynchronous online e-learning program included:

  1. Inconsistent or non-existent access to the Internet in Africa.
  2. Unless multiple participants were working online at the same time, even chat room communication would be unavailable.

In Part Three, we’ll look at additional drawbacks to e-learning and self-study.

Question:  What has been your experience converting a classroom program to self-study?

May your learning be sweet.


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