Tip #980: The Magic of Number Three in Curriculum Design- Part One

It may seem surprising, but the number three plays a significant role in curriculum design in both theory and practice. There are seven triads. This Tip looks at two of them: needs assessment and trainer decisions. Part Two looks at the desired level of learning and learning objectives. Part Three considers learning activity selection, learner practice, and hands on learning activities.

Needs Assessment

Curriculum design begins with finding the answers to three key questions that will help determine whether training is the right solution to the identified problem:

  1. Who is the target audience?
  2.    Why is there a need for this specific training?
  3.    What should the learners know or do differently when they leave the training?

Answers to these key curriculum design questions will ensure that the right:

  1. People will be in the right training program;
  2. Solution to the problem will be identified (which will avoid unnecessary training); and
  3. Relevant knowledge and skills will be developed.

Trainer Decisions

Trainers make three decisions before, during and after interaction with the learner that will increase the probability that learning will occur. The UCLA Mastery Teaching Model states that, regardless of who or what is being taught, all training decisions fall into three categories:

  1. Content [what content to teach next];
  2. Learner Activities [what the learner will do to learn and to demonstrate that learning has occurred]; and
  3. Trainer Activities [what the trainer will do to facilitate learning, through group facilitation and stand up presentation techniques].

Curriculum design addresses the first two categories. Classroom management addresses the last category.

Call to Action: If you would like more information about the UCLA Mastery Teaching Model, please indicate that in the comments below.

May your learning be sweet.


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