Tailoring training is often necessary, even when you purchase an existing training program.
Purchasing an existing training program can be very time and cost effective. This is particularly true if you don’t have the time or expertise to design it yourself. . Frequently, the program will be generic and not designed with your organization in mind. You may still need to tailor the program to best meet the needs and culture of your organization
Tailoring Training the Easy Way
Sometimes, all it takes is revising the title page and replacing existing case studies with more organization- or industry-specific cases. That is a very easy fix and then you’re good to go!
Reorganize Module Sequence
A greater difficulty arises when the internal logic of the program, the order the content is introduced, does not align with your understanding or comfort.
Some programs allow you to reorganize modules into an order that is more appropriate from your perspective. Then, all you need to do is make sure that the Table of Contents of the program reflects the revised pagination. Also make sure to revise any accompanying Power Point presentation to reflect the new content sequence.
Create a Flow Chart
If you cannot repaginate the participant materials, the next best thing might be to create a flow chart on a flip chart and in the participant materials. The flow chart will indicate the order that you cover the modules. Although you cover content out of pagination order, which can be awkward, the participants and you will have a clear signpost. If you explain at the beginning of the session that you reorganized the sequence to make it easier to learn the material, the participants will be more open to the idea.
Use a Process Map or Wall Chart
However, what can you do if the program allows no flexibility for tailoring- and you still find that the content sequence is awkward for you? A process map or wall agenda can help you and your participants stay on track, because it provides a constant visual of the content sequence. You can refer to the process map at any time, using your laser pointer to identify what content has been covered and what content is next on the program. I have found this to be invaluable, since I have very little experience training using other people’s materials.
If your organization needs help tailoring training programs to better meet your organizational needs, please book a call to discuss necessary curriculum redesign. https://laurelandassociates.com/contact/