Tip #957: Subject Matter Experts, the Accidental Trainers

If you’re a subject matter expert, you have mastered the technical skills in your content area and others rely on your expertise. Often, you may find that you are being called on to provide training in those technical skills to new hires. It’s an honor and an additional responsibility.

You weren’t trained as a trainer, so you do what comes naturally: you talk. We call that lecturing.

The problem is that lecturing focuses on what you know and are able to do, not on what your trainees know or are able to do. It is also very frustrating, because when you’re done, it isn’t obvious that they have learned what they needed to learn.

Of course, you can ask if there are any questions, ask your own questions, or give a quiz. You still won’t know if they can put what they’ve learned into practice.

So, what is your alternative? You weren’t hired to be a trainer and you’ve never been trained as a trainer.

You can keep doing what you’re doing.

Or, if that isn’t satisfactory, you can learn some basic training techniques, so your training is more participatory, skill-building, and results-oriented. Wouldn’t it be great to get immediate feedback regarding your trainees’ skills?

First Aid for New Trainers was designed with you in mind, to help you become a more effective trainer.

It meets every week on Wednesday from 3-4 PM CST.  The first half hour will focus on a key training subject or challenge and the second half hour will be open to discuss any of your training-related questions. We’re going to start January with the challenges that are difficult for any trainer, new or experienced.

On January 11th, our topic will be How to Get Participant Buy-In. You can see the other scheduled topics at: https://laurelandassociates.com/first-aid-for-new-trainers

Your first visit is free. If you find it valuable, after that the price of admission per week will be $25 plus the booking fee. When you register, you’ll receive a six-step Lesson Design Checklist and the calendar of events so you know when certain topics will be discussed. You can register at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/first-aid-for-new-trainers-tickets-492093273227

I hope to see you there.

May your learning be sweet- and safe.


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