“Being assertive does not mean attacking or ignoring others’ feelings. It means that you are willing to hold up for yourself fairly-without attacking others.” Albert Ellis
Are you tired of hiding your feelings and opinions, being overlooked, or always being expected to just go along with whatever others want to do? Do you find it hard to say “no” even when you’re overextended? Do people often take advantage of you?
When we don’t know how to speak up for ourselves in a direct but respectful and assertive way, every personal or business interaction can be frustrating and exhausting.
In this five-session highly interactive workshop, you will explore what it means to be assertive, what happens when we’re not assertive, and why we don’t assert ourselves. You will learn how to behave and communicate assertively. You will gain practical techniques to say “no” when appropriate, realistically evaluate and respond to criticism, recognize and handle manipulation, handle your own and other’s anger, and effectively communicate your feelings, rights, and needs.
We need to recognize and accept that we are worthy of respect. We need to identify and respect our own rights so that we don’t allow them to be trampled- by ourselves or by others. We need to recognize and accept responsibility for our feelings, rights, and needs. And finally, we need to identify the result we desire, take a win/win problem solving approach to achieve it, and follow through on our resolve. This workshop will show you the way.
The workshop meets on Wednesdays from 11 am to 1 pm CST beginning October 26th and ending November 23rd, just in time to be ready to interact with family and friends during Thanksgiving! The link is: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/how-to-take-control-of-yourself-and-your-life-5-weeks-tickets-400933291267 Invest in yourself.
Isn’t it time you took control of yourself and your life? If not now, when?
May your learning be sweet- and safe.
#assertivecommunication #selfrespect #assertiveness