“Make feedback normal. Not a performance review.” Ed Batista
I found 20 performance feedback models defined by acronyms. We looked at 1-5 in Tip #647, 6-10 in Tip #648 and 11-15 in Tip #649. Here are 16-20:
- SET-GO: What I Saw, What else I saw, What I think, Clarify the Goal, Get Offers of how to achieve this
- What I Saw: Specific, descriptive observed behavior.
- What Else: Other information about the observed behavior.
- What I Think: Have the employee problem solve how to change the behavior.
- Goal: Clarify the desired goal.
- Offers: Obtain offers or suggestions on how the goal can be achieved.
- SSCC: Start, Stop, Continue, Change
- Start: What the employee needs to start doing.
- Stop: What the employee needs to stop doing.
- Continue: What the employee should continue to do.
- Change: What changes the employee needs to make. https://rapidbi.com/cobs-or-corbs-feedback-model-for-performance-management/
- SSD: Stop, Start, Do More Of
- Stop: What the employee needs to stop doing.
- Start: What the employee needs to start doing.
- Do More Of: What the employee should do more of. http://www.managersdoor.com/topic/top-5-giving-quality-feedback/
- SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely
- Specific: Explain the specific expectations before, during and after the task.
- Measurable: Set measurable goals so the feedback is more fair and less subjective.
- Achievable: Give feedback as the employee makes progress toward an achievable defined goal.
- Realistic: Identify the steps the employee is taking or can take to achieve the realistic goal.
- Timely: Give feedback when the goal or process is still current and relevant. https://seismic.com/blog/post/get-smart-to-provide-better-feedback/
- STAR: Situation/Task, Action, Results
- Situation/Task: Define the situation or task and why it needs to be addressed.
- Action: Describe the action involved and what should have happened.
- Results: Review the results of the action and, if it was negative, point out what would have happened if the appropriate action had been taken. http://www.brighthubpm.com/resource-management/118832-improve-your-company-effectiveness-using-the-star-model-for-feedback/
May your learning be sweet.