Tip #926: Why I Have Pliers in the Kitchen
“If you get stuck, draw with a different pen. Change your tools; it may free your thinking.” Paul Arden A lot of frozen foods (vegetables,
“If you get stuck, draw with a different pen. Change your tools; it may free your thinking.” Paul Arden A lot of frozen foods (vegetables,
In the last Tip, I shared virtual learning activities for developing preprogram content, starting-before-you-start, and helping participants minimize distractions. All were drawn from Cindy Huggett’s
This tip is about virtual learning recommendations and learning activities that I gained from reading Cindy Huggett’s book. Virtual Training Tools and Templates: An Action
This tip discusses three virtual activities that will meet the needs of kinesthetic learners. A Static Virtual World By its very nature, the virtual world
Neal Goodman has written a very thoughtful article that identifies Ten Steps to Overcome Unconscious Bias. If you haven’t seen the article, I think his
There is a wonderful article in the Harvard Business Review by Amy C. Edmondson and Gene Daley about “How to Foster Psychological Safety in Virtual
This Tip considers seven interactive virtual activities, six of which come from Cindy Huggett in her books. I added the seventh. “The planned activities are
This tip is about converting classroom activities into virtual learning activities using different platform tools. A major concern about virtual training is how to keep
“You are doomed to make choices. This is life’s greatest paradox.” Wayne Dyer Like so many of us, I am now confronted with the need
“You must have confidence in your competence.” Elijah Cummings I have known about the different levels of competence but never looked at them from the
This tip discusses TRIZ, which has five methods to companies to innovate inside of the box. Unstructured Brainstorming is Ineffective In his article “Thinking Outside
In this tip we discuss TRIZ, which is the Russian acronymn for theory of inventive problem solving- a more effective structured brainstorming approach. Unstructured Brainstorming
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