Tip #70: The Rambler- Managing Difficult Participants
The Rambler has difficulty making simple, concise statements. They propose grandiose theories or complicate simple ideas with tangential ideas. As a result, they often confuse
The Rambler has difficulty making simple, concise statements. They propose grandiose theories or complicate simple ideas with tangential ideas. As a result, they often confuse
dditThis Tip looks at what actions a trainer should and should not do to manage the distractor in a training program. The Distractor Difficult Behavior:
This Tip looks at how a trainer can manage the complainer to participate constructively in a training program. Difficult Behavior: Complains about anything and everything,
This Tip analyzes how a trainer can manage the difficult participant behavior of the quiet one or withdrawer. Difficult Behavior: Quiet, non-participative, passive in the
This Tip is about how to manage the fighter or arguer so they don’t disrupt a training class. Difficult Behavior: The fighter or arguer is
This Tip analyzes what a trainer can do to manage the behavior of the talker or know-it-all who is disrupting the class. The Talker or
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