Tip #881: How to Communicate Under Pressure
“…When people do not have the right balance of candor and curiosity, we make bad decisions keeping us from the results and outcomes we need.”
“…When people do not have the right balance of candor and curiosity, we make bad decisions keeping us from the results and outcomes we need.”
“A dialogue leads to connection, which leads to trust, which leads to engagement.” Seth Godin Whether you are conducting a meeting or facilitating a workshop
“The thing I hate about an argument is that it always interrupts a discussion.” G.K. Chesterton There may be times that an open conflict will
“Learning is more effective when it is an active rather than a passive process.” Kurt Lewin I have become a devotee of Cynthia Clay, President
“Good leaders must first become good servants.” Robert K. Greenleaf In her article “Be the Trainer You Want to Have,” Candid Taylor Brandon suggests that trainers
“Coaching is unlocking people’s potential to maximize their own performance. It is about raising awareness and responsibility- helping them to learn rather than teaching them.”
“A peer learning group is a wonderful testing ground for new behaviors.” Deborah Spring Laurel The public library in Waupaca, Wisconsin is going to have
According to Willie Pietersen in his article, Learning How to Learn, “in an increasingly turbulent world, the crucial life-sustaining competency is learning how to win
“The success of our actions as change-makers does not depend on What we do or How we do it, but on the Inner Place from
“In true dialogue, both sides are willing to change.” Nhat Hanh Unresolved interpersonal conflict can be characterized as a duel (where the goal is to
“The essence of dialogue is an inquiry that surfaces ideas, perceptions and understanding that people do not already have.” William Isaacs One very basic communication model states
“All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded the individual.” Albert Einstein Here are performance feedback basics for supervisors
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