Tip #880: I had an epiphany!
“Epiphanies are never convenient, and often arrive too late.” Neal Shusterman Knowledge was originally the first learning level in Bloom’s Taxonomy. I have believed and
“Epiphanies are never convenient, and often arrive too late.” Neal Shusterman Knowledge was originally the first learning level in Bloom’s Taxonomy. I have believed and
“The planned activities are purposefully designed to get-and keep- participants involved in their own learning. They are designed to be interesting, relevant, useful, and appealing
“I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” Jimmy Dean A major concern about
“A one-size-fits-all lecture is not the way to go about education.” Sal Khan Fiction. The size of the group has very little to do with
“It’s about creating a process that systematically understands the current situation- the constraints (time, money, capabilities, and capacity) and attributes that already exist today- and
“It’s about creating a process that systematically understands the current situation- the constraints (time, money, capabilities, and capacity) and attributes that already exist today- and
“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” J.R.R. Tolkien Imagine that you are asked to convert
Hello, This is my first full day in Amman. I’ve spent most of it sleeping, since I can’t sleep on the trip over. It is
“The best way to have a good idea is to have a lot of ideas.” Linus Pauling Whenever there is a need to generate ideas,
“Even in the familiar there can be surprise and wonder.” Tierney Gearon Andra May has identified ten cognitive biases. We have considered the first four biases: Confirmation,
“Brainwriting is brainstorming on steroids.” Luciano Passuello Brainstorming is not as effective as we thought. We discussed “question-storming” as a better alternative in Tip #610.
“One does not begin with answers. One begins by asking, ‘What are our questions?’ ” Peter Drucker Brainstorming is a familiar and convenient problem-solving activity.
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