Customized Training Program:

Supervisory Tools​

Customized Training Program Lengths Available: One-Day, Two-Day


This one-day skill-building participant-centered workshop is designed to be an introductory program for individuals new to the role of supervisor or a refresher course for individuals with moderate experience. It will provide information about the basic skills a supervisor needs to fulfill basic responsibilities to plan, guide, assign, train, evaluate, hire, fire, and serve as the first step in the grievance process.

The workshop uses interactive exercises and case situations to enable the participants to learn the underlying theory and practical techniques relating to interpersonal communication, listening, time management, team building, delegation, motivation, and conflict management.


This two-day skill-building participant-centered workshop is designed to build specific and observable supervisory skills build skills in the areas that most debilitate new supervisors. This is accomplished through four half-day workshops that are structured so that they are one part theory and two parts practice.
In order to minimize low staffing levels, half of the supervisors could be scheduled for a morning session and the other half scheduled for an afternoon session.

1. People Management uses interactive exercises that enable the participants to learn how to recognize, depersonalize, and meet the trust and communication needs of four different personality types; and to learn how and when to use seven different motivational strategies to meet real on-the-job challenges.

2. Personal Management uses interactive exercises that enable the participants to recognize and address personal needs and beliefs that adversely impact effective supervisory performance; and learn how and when to use five different conflict management strategies, with particular emphasis on collaboration.

3. Performance Management uses interactive exercises that enable the participants to learn how to assign work, manage, and monitor performance so that employees are set up to be successful; and practicing use open questions and active listening to help poor performers actively participate in planning how to improve.

4. Program Management uses interactive exercises that enable the participants to learn: how to structure and conduct legally acceptable interviews to make the best hiring decision; and how to include employees in the change management process to maintain productivity and morale.

Contact us if you are interested in more information on this workshop, or would like to schedule it.

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Customized Training Program Lengths Available: Half-Day This half-day highly participatory workshop is designed