Customized Training Program:

Inspire Magic: Create and Sustain a Positive Work Environment

Customized Training Program Lengths Available: One-Day

This highly interactive one-day management development workshop is designed to help participants get in touch with how it feels to work in a positive and supportive work environment, identify managerial actions that spark and fuel this type of environment, and commit to specific behaviors and actions to create and sustain positive energy in their workforce.

Participants discuss what a motivational environment is and which organizational values contribute to a motivational environment; participate in appreciative inquiry regarding how to create and sustain positive energy at the organization; assess the motivational climate they (or their managers) have created for their employees; propose specific implementation strategies for managers to create a positive and motivational environment; demonstrate how a manager could implement some of these strategies; create an action plan to implement motivational strategies; and celebrate the positive contributions of other participants.

Contact us if you are interested in more information on this workshop, or would like to schedule it.

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Customized Training Program Lengths Available: Half-Day This half-day highly participatory workshop is designed