Customized Training Program:

Supervisor-Friendly Performance Management​

Customized Training Program Lengths Available: One-Day

This one-day skill-building participant-centered workshop is designed to be an introductory program for individuals new to the role of supervising less effective employees for improved performance or a refresher course for individuals with moderate experience. The workshop includes an analysis of the reasons that motivate poor performance, as well as degree to which the participants’ characteristic response to poor performers is effective. It assists the participants in identifying what employees need to be effective performers and then provides the skills and techniques to meet those needs.

The workshop incorporates interactive exercises and simulations to give the participants an opportunity to learn and apply a six-step performance management strategy to their specific employee problem situation.

Contact us if you are interested in more information on this workshop, or would like to schedule it.

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Customized Training Program Lengths Available: Half-Day This half-day highly participatory workshop is designed