Customized Training Program:

Presentation Skills: Be Your Informative or Persuasive Best!​

Customized Training Program Lengths Available:  Two-Day

This two-day skill-building participant-centered workshop is designed to develop and/or strengthen the participants’ persuasive presentation skills. Through interactive exercises, they: identify tips to overcome the six major speaking faults; describe seven different ways to organize a presentation; organize and prepare a brief persuasive presentation; and make a series of impromptu and planned presentations, which are video-taped for their later review.

<b>Day One</b> focuses on having the participants: identify the characteristics of effective presenters; discuss tips to overcome the six major speaking faults; analyze seven different ways to organize a presentation; organize and prepare a brief persuasive presentation; assess effective stand-up presentation techniques; give an impromptu stand up presentation; and discuss the presentation expectations for Day Two.

<b>Day Two</b> is dedicated to having the participants: practice and assess stand-up presentation techniques for brief presentations they created regarding a key point from Day One; develop a persuasive presentation; make their presentation; and evaluate their presentation skills.

During the workshop, the participants practically apply cognitive load learning principles to their own curricula. Based on 25 years of controlled
experimental research, cognitive load theory applies to all types of content, all delivery media, and all learning.

Day One. Using interactive and practical application exercises, the participants: define cognitive load theory and the three types of cognitive load; explain the impact of cognitive load on learning acquisition and retention; and practice applying six guidelines for managing extraneous cognitive load.

These principles include: #1: Optimize the Use of Visual and Auditory Modes; #2: Support Learner Attention; #3: Weed Out Unnecessary Content; #4: Provide External Memory Support; #5: Segment, Sequence and Pace Learning; and #6: Transition From Worked Examples to Practice.

Day Two. Using interactive and practical application exercises, the participants: discuss what it means to impose germane cognitive load; practice applying four guidelines for managing germane cognitive load; analyze how to accommodate differences in learner expertise; and practice creating a managed cognitive load design.

The principles include: #1: Use Diverse Worked Examples to Foster Transfer; #2: Encourage Learner Self-Explanation of Examples; #3: Help Learners Automate New Knowledge and Skills; and #4: Promote Mental Rehearsal of Complex Content.

Contact us if you are interested in more information on this workshop, or would like to schedule it.

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Customized Training Program Lengths Available: Half-Day This half-day highly participatory workshop is designed