Customized Training Program:

Coping With Change: A Survivors’ Guide​

Customized Training Program Lengths Available: Half Day

This half-day skill-building participant-centered workshop is targeted at those employees and supervisors who have watched others (co-workers, friends, and family) be affected by change and feel guilty that they themselves are still employed. They are living in limbo, uncertain when they will be directly affected- so they aren’t sure where to place their loyalty. They need to decide whether they should stay with their current job until it ends, dealing with the additional work as they have to do more with less, or whether they should leave. It is also targeted at supervisors who must make decisions about which of their employees stay or go- and are feeling guilty and unsure of themselves

Contact us if you are interested in more information on this workshop, or would like to schedule it.

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Customized Training Program Lengths Available: Half-Day This half-day highly participatory workshop is designed