Customized Training Program:

Business Counseling Fundamentals​

Customized Training Program Lengths Available:   Three-Day

This three-day skill-building business counseling workshop uses highly participatory learning activities, including: pre- and post-test, individual assessments, questionnaires, small and large group brainstorming and problem solving, case studies and simulations. This workshop incorporates by reference the specialized training that the counselor-trainees have previously received in marketing, finance, legal issues and business management.

In Day One: The Basics of Business Counseling, the focus is on: (1) defining the difference between counseling, coaching, mentoring and consulting; (2) discussing the business counseling competencies; (3) outlining the business counseling process; and (4) assessing the participants’ communication skills; (5) analyzing the communication, trust and learning needs of different personality types; (6) practicing questioning techniques; and (7) practicing active listening skills.

In Day Two: Building Business Counseling Skills, the focus is on: (1) learning and using quality improvement problem finding techniques to get to the root of an issue; (2) debating the pros and cons of issue prioritization approaches; (3) analyzing different learning styles and what learning activities are most effective; (4) discussing the range of possible resources for business owners; (4) practicing dealing with difficult people and their objections; and (5) planning for Day Three.

In Day Three: Providing Business Counseling, the focus is on: (1) recognizing and addressing counseling challenges; (2) practicing business counseling in simulated situations; (3) debriefing key learning) and (4) checking for comprehension of key learning. The counseling practice sessions are videotaped for the later review of the individual participants. Note: If there are more than 10 participants, the group can be split into two groups so that 10 can practice and be videotaped in one room and 10 can practice and be videotaped in another room. This will require a second facilitator and a second video camera and tripod.

Contact us if you are interested in more information on this workshop, or would like to schedule it.

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