“Learning experiences are like journeys. The journey starts where the learning is now, and ends when the learner is successful. The end of the journey isn’t knowing more, it’s doing more.” Julie Dirksen
Mary Hoddy, UW Academic Staff Emerita, Facilitator and Consultant, offered this information during a train the trainer program and I thought it was so perfect I should share it with you.
It is a table titled The Science of Training: A Summary. It shows what needs to happen before the training, during the training and after the training. It was published by Global Learning Partners and is a summary of research published by Eduardo Salas, Scott Tennenbaum, Kurt Kraiger and Kimberly Smith-Jentsch: The Science of Training and Development in Organizations: What Matters in Practice. Psychological Science in the Public Interest.
The previous Tips focused on what needs to happen Before the Training and During the Training. This Tip focuses on what needs to happen After the Training. This is the last Tip in this three-part series. The emphasis is the authors’. The underlining is mine.
“After the Training
Support the learning. Evaluate the learning.
[Note: They show a graphic to illustrate average learning retention one year post training. It is a circle with 90% indicating learning that is forgotten and 10% indicating learning that is remembered.]
Provide job aids, access to knowledge repositories, or communities of practice to reinforce and support what was learned.
Offer periodic refresher trainings when skill decay cannot be avoided.
Ensure supervisors are equipped to reinforce trained skills and promote ongoing learning using on-the-job experiences.
Find ways to enhance motivation and increase perseverance when on the job.
Measure training reactions, learning, behavior and results.”
Yes, I think we tend to forget that we need supervisory support for new learning- and supervisors need to be both engaged in the training design and prepared to perform their reinforcement responsibilities.
Thank you, Mary, for bringing this important information to our attention!
May your learning be sweet.