Tip #425: Logistics and Miscellaneous Information in Amman

“Plans are nothing; planning is everything.” Dwight D. Eisenhower

After discussing the ideal class size with the Mahas D and K- and after all of the correspondence telling me that there would be 25 people in each of the train the trainer classes, Maha D proudly told me that there were now 30 people in next week’s class and the following class currently had 26 and counting…. Good grief!

We had spent some length of time the day before figuring out how many pages of the training materials were needed for 50 people. I had packed materials (Koosh, prizes, etc.) for 55 people. Sigh.

I’m going to talk with her today, because there is absolutely no way that we can videotape 30 people unless we have three cameras and three facilitators to direct the feedback sessions. Right now, they are planning on one other facilitator to come in and handle half of the group.

With a day of 10 minute facilitations followed by 10 minutes of feedback, usually I top it off at 10 because people just get worn out. Twelve is pushing it. 15 is out of the question. Oh dear.

Today I worked all day with a wonderful subject matter expert on social marketing to develop two days of training. I have a real headache now but I learned a great deal.

It’s now time for me to convert these hours of information (literally) into training programs.

Miscellaneous Notes:

On a very different note, both in Lagos and here in Amman, every door has a key (in it), whether it is a door to a room, to a closet, to a cabinet, whatever.

One more completely unrelated item. You know how in the States people may bring a sandwich, an apple and a cookie or so for their lunch? Well, for the past two days I have watched people eat entire hot meals of chicken, potatoes, salad, something white (yogurt maybe)- their plates piled high with food.

They ordered shish kebob for me two days ago and I had enough to eat for two lunches.

The sand storm has abated, so that means there is very little in the air near my hotel but more by the office. It apparently has something to do with the elevation, but I’m not sure what.

Nigeria had traffic lights and stop signs (which no one paid attention to) whereas Amman has neither and turning against traffic is a dare devil escapade. According to Mohammed, my driver today, the traffic circles take care of this- but I haven’t noticed that is very effective at all. There isn’t as much honking as in Lagos, but the Jordanians do their share!

I’m not sure why, but not one person at the office mentioned my haircut. I definitely look very very different with it very short, so it’s not that they haven’t been able to notice the change. How very strange…

May your learning be sweet.



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