Tip #954: Are You the Only Trainer in Your Organization?

When employees get great at their jobs, they are frequently moved into training positions. Maybe that was true for you. Which makes sense, since you have experience and expertise to share with other employees.

What you may not know, however, is how adults learn, or how to design an engaging skill-building training program, or how to get your learners to actively participate, or how to show that your training is making a difference.

If you’re lucky enough to have a training director or other trainers to help you learn what you need to learn, you’re probably set.

But if you’re the only trainer in an organization, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed, unsure of where to start or what to do. You need support, someplace to get a handle on training essentials, have your training questions answered, and receive constructive coaching and feedback on your training plans or materials.

I‘ve designed and delivered hundreds of virtual and in-person training programs. I’ve taught for the national Association for Talent Development, created the highest rated training for the US Department of Energy, and certified trainers in the US, Jordan, UAE, Kenya, Nigeria, and Zambia.

I’ve learned a lot about training over the years and I’d like to help.

In the new year, I’m going to be starting an hour-long weekly program called First Aid for New Trainers to give you the support you need. You will be able to learn training essentials while also getting your questions answered and gaining a second pair of eyes to give you constructive coaching and feedback on any training plans or materials you design.

If you’re the only trainer in your organization, First Aid for New Trainers is made expressly for you.

Look for details in an upcoming post.

May your learning be sweet- and safe.


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