I’ve been collecting these new words, acronyms, and phrases for a while. WFA is the most recent and one we’re going to see very often in the future.
There are also a number of new acronyms that have sprouted due to digital innovations: API, CMS, LXP, UGC, and VILT. You may have seen or heard them before, but they’re new to me.
I wonder if and when these are going to go into dictionaries. Any guesses?
Anthropocene- proposed geological epoch dating from the commencement of significant human impact on Earth’s geology and ecosystems, including, but not limited to, anthropogenic climate change.
API- application programming interface.
Bricoleurs- employees capable of making the most of what they have by skillfully putting objects to unfamiliar uses to improve a company’s resilience.
CMS- Content Management System.
Creator-centric- Rebuilding a learning culture around the learner as the creator rather than the recipient of the content.
First principles thinking- the act of boiling a process down to the fundamental parts that you know are true and building up from there.
Generation effect – a cognitive phenomenon in which information is better remembered if it is generated from one’s own mind rather than simply read or heard.
Hagiography- biography of saints or venerated persons.
HiPo-high-potential leaders.
Labor-hoarding- keeping workers during an economic downturn, even when work is light, to avoid having to recruit employees when the downturn ends.
LXP- Learning experience platform.
NLP- natural language processing.
PLV- potentially limited values.
SBW- secure borderless workspaces.
UGC- user-generated content.
VILT- virtual instructor-led training.
WFA- work from anywhere.
If you have new words, acronyms or phrases and would like to chat, please book a call at https://laurelandassociates.com/contact/
May your learning be sweet- and safe.