When auditing training content, I first look at the content decisions that the trainers make. This is because the first of three training decisions is what content to teach next.
Findings From an Audit
The findings from an audit of an asbestos abatement project design refresher class will help to elaborate on the types of strengths and deficiencies I have observed in this category.
Strengths Observed by Auditing Training Content
The general purpose of a refresher class is to review, share ideas, and update the trainees on the new developments in the industry.
First, the training program as it is currently organized includes the review and update on many new industry developments.
The topic of the problems with asbestos and real estate was a good choice.
The section on health effects, respirators, negative air machines and containments was very complete. The group discussion on negative air machines and the problems in maintaining negative pressure in containment covered a number of important issues. This included the suggestion that they should test the negative air machines before using them. This would enable them to see that they were still efficient in taking asbestos fibers out of the air.
Safety Procedures Section was Thorough
The safety procedures section was very thorough. This was particularly true regarding the discussion on emergency cases. Other safety suggestions that the instructor made were also very important. These included:
- check for signs on more than just the first day and
- make sure to use the right respirators for hazards other than asbestos.
The section on legal updates for federal, state, and local regulations was also very well done.
Second, some excellent examples were given that related to the trainees’ experience to help them comprehend the information.
It is clear that the instructors are competent and have practical knowledge and experience in their field. In discussing how asbestos impacts the industry, they gave five realistic examples. These identified the interests and concerns of all the parties who can be concerned by the presence of asbestos in a building, including tenants and mortgage lenders.
The section on electrical safety was done particularly well. Every trainee could relate to the example of the lighting system in the training room. Asking them what troubles they could get into if they were not careful about turning off the electricity got everyone involved. This helped them to understand what they did and did not know about the subject. Since liability and safety are major concerns, the instructor had their undivided attention.
Third, the discussion of the role and responsibility of the project designer was very complete and effective. There were good discussion and examples given relating to:
- what the project designer’s role is,
- when to accept a client, and
- what to tell the client.
A Good Set of Questions
The trainees were given a good set of questions to ask and problems to be aware of relating to the project designer’s:
- skills,
- knowledge,
- ability, and
- ethics.
For example, the instructor established a credible and effective ethical position. He said that it is the project designer’s responsibility to see that the job is done right. “If you want to get out of the responsibility, get out of the business.”
Deficiencies and Recommendations Observed by Auditing Training Content
There were six major concerns regarding the content, focus, and organization of the program.
First, there is no organizing principle. Place tkhe program presentation and emphasis on what the project designer needs to know to do his or her job well. However, there was no cohesion or continuity to the structure of the course.
Second, the content is incomplete. Although the subjects presented were important and necessary, there were several content areas that were overlooked.
For example, the following subjects were either not covered at all or insufficiently covered:
- potential exposure situations,
- recommended and prohibited work practices,
- scaffold and ladder hazards,
- preparing abatement drawings and particular problems with abatement drawings,
- when to consult with an architect or engineer, and
- when it is necessary to get an architect’s signature on structural changes.
In the future, it would be helpful if the instructors conduct a task analysis of the material. They will then be able to identify the necessary information that should be included in the program content.
Third, the content emphasis is misdirected. The program seemed organized around the new equipment that is available to help the project designer do the job. It was not organized around what the project designer needs to know to do the job well.
For example, the instructor mentioned that a certain piece of equipment will help the trainees with their documentation. However, the instructor did not detail the kinds of documentation that the project designer will need to be in compliance or to limit liability.
What the trainer could do differently
In the future, the instructor may want to:
- ask questions such as “What documentation is needed for air monitoring?” or
- have the trainees discuss sample problems keying on documentation or the other concerns that need to be reviewed.
The instructor could present the slides of the equipment. Then say “As we discussed earlier, it is necessary that you conduct proper documentation of personal air monitoring. This piece of equipment will help you with that.”
Fourth, the information is presented in a way that lacks clear organization. The auditor recommends that, in the future, the instructors should give the trainees an overview of the format and content of the session.
For example, at the beginning of the class, ensure that the trainees know what to expect during the day and what the instructors expect from the trainees. In other words, provide a brief overview of the day’s events.
Also give the trainees an agenda which identifies the various subjects that the instructor will be covering. This will help the trainees have a better understanding of the format and content of the session. It is not necessary to identify specific times for these subjects or for the scheduled break times on the agenda.
Provide Transitional Statements
Identify the learning objectives at the beginning of the session. Once a learning objective has been covered, it is useful to get closure and then provide transitional statements. That will enable the trainees to understand the relationship between the subjects that are covered.
For example, when the instructor summarizes health effects, he could ask the class to list the three major health problems associated with asbestos. After someone has answered this question, a clear transition should occur. An example of a transitional statement is “We all know of the health problems. The next topic is set up to give us a better understanding of what we as project designers need to do to help limit exposure to asbestos fibers.”
Fifth, the course did not sufficiently take into consideration the specific content needs and concerns of the trainees. It would have been useful in determining the coverage and emphasis of specific subject areas if, at the beginning of the session, the trainees were asked to identify any specific information they wanted to get out of the training. Waiting for questions only ensures that the trainees will get clarification on what is presented. It does not ensure that what they feel they need to learn is presented.
Sixth, too much information is presented at one time. Despite the fact that this was a refresher overview, there was still too much information covered for the trainees to absorb and remember. Real learning is more likely to occur if you present a short meaningful amount of information. Then give the trainees time to practice using that information.
If you need to audit the training conducted in or for your organization, please book a call to discuss our auditing services. https://laurelandassociates.com/contact/