Tip #82: Training Decisions During an Audit

I firmly believe that the effectiveness of a training program depends upon the decisions that the instructors make about what will be taught and how it will be taught. They make these decisions before, during, and after the training.

Decisions Determine the Probability of Learning

It is possible to determine the probability of learning in the classroom by evaluating these decisions, without technical knowledge of the subject matter and without speaking the language of the instructor.

A Stream of Professional Decisions

This philosophy is based upon the Mastery Teaching Model. Dr. Madeline Hunter, of the University of California at Los Angeles, developed the model to increase instructional effectiveness. Dr. Hunter defines “training” as “a constant stream of professional decisions made before, during and after interaction with the learner; decisions which, when implemented, increase the probability of learning.”

Three Categories

According to Dr. Hunter, regardless of who or what is being taught, all training decisions fall into three categories:

(1) what content to teach next,

(2) what the learner will do to learn and to demonstrate learning has occurred, and

(3) what the trainer will do to facilitate the acquisition of that learning.

In my auditing capacity, I look at all the touch points where instructors decide what the content, the learning activities, the presentations, and group facilitation will be. This includes the lesson plans, participant workbooks, pre- and post- surveys, and written participant evaluations. I also speak with the instructors to understand their instructional choices. In addition, I speak with the participants to see how they feel their learning is progressing.

If you would like to provide your trainers with a program based on the UCLA Mastery Teaching Model, please book a call to discuss a tailored train-the-trainer program. https://laurelandassociates.com/contact/

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