Tip #62: Touch is Haptic Engagement

This week, let’s look at the variety of kinesthetic objects a trainer can provide to ensure haptic engagement. Although these items can be incorporated into learning exercises, our focus this week is on objects that can keep haptic learners’ hands occupied so that they can better concentrate on the learning content.

Haptic Engagement Through Kinesthetic Objects

The variety of objects you can provid is as long and as wide as your imagination. The objects are typically in a basket or a pile in the middle of each table of participants.

However, the following items seem to appeal to participants. In addition, they can be much less distracting for everyone around them than a clicking pen or jingling pocket change!

  • Koosh balls
  • Balls of different shapes and sizes
  • Wire puzzles
  • Wooden peg games
  • Slide puzzles
  • Plastic puzzle balls
  • Hacky sacks
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Slinkies
  • Modeling clay
  • Tops
  • Paddle balls
  • Legos
  • Foam dice
  • Playing cards
  • Wooden interlocking puzzles
  • Post-it notes
  • Bubbles

If you train in one location, it is easy to buy some plastic containers for participants’ tables and keep them filled with a variety of objects. If you travel to different training locations, as I do, you may need to be more judicious in your choices.

When I can drive to the location, I use a plastic pull cart I purchased at Staples that I keep packed with Koosh, plastic puzzle balls, foam dice, post-it notes, bubbles, and modeling clay. When I fly, I may need to pack more lightly, but many of these objects aren’t very heavy, and pipe cleaners, slide puzzles, and wire puzzles will also travel well.

Search for creative kinesthetic ideas and products at online stores that offer a wide variet in bulk at good prices. You can find them listed under toys or novelties.

If you have other recommendations, I would be happy to post them.

This ends our exploration of ways to satisfy the sense of touch. Next week, we will discuss how a trainer can satisfy the sense of taste for those gustatory learners!

If you would like your trainers to introduce more kinesthetic learning activities and tools, please book a call to discuss a tailored train-the-trainer workshop. https://laurelandassociates.com/contact/

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