Tip #57: Music That Enhances Creativity


This Tip provides a list of music that enhances creativity that I use to stimulate my own brain as well as the brains of participants in my training programs.

The following music enhances the brain’s capability for imagery and creativity. The items in bold print I believe can be used without copyright concern. We discussed the Lind Institute last week. All of this music is lovely, but I particularly enjoy the melodious new age music of Max Highstein and Rob Whitesides-Woo from Serenity (#12).

  1. Music for Imaging Music by Smetana, Debussy, Beethoven, Strauss and Others The Lind Institute (1-800-462-3766)
  2. Steven Halpern and Daniel Kobialka Recollections: New Music for Piano and Violin 1983 Halpern Sounds
  3. Mike Rowland: The Fairy Ring Music Design, Inc.
  4. Kitaro: Silk Road and Kitaro Ki Canyon Records
  5. 5. Steve Halpern: Spectrum Suite
  6. Debussy: La Mer, Prelude A, L’Apres-Midi D’un Faune, Danses Sacre et Profane
  7. Holst: The Planets Berlin Philharmonic
  8. Don G. Campbell: Runes and Crystal Meditations Spirit Records
  9. Vivaldi: The Four Seasons Israel Philharmonic Orchestra
  10. Steve Bergman: Music for an Inner Journey- Volume 1 1979 Steve Bergman
  11. Relax with the Classics: Baroque masterpieces LIND Institute: 1-800-462-3766
  12. New Age Healing Music Serenity: 1-800-869-1684

If you would like to discuss additional music that enhances creativity, please book a call at https://laurelandassociates.com/contact/

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