Tip #54: Pictures and Photographs for Visual Engagement


Pictures, whether on the wall, in handout materials, or created by the participants during the session, can add immediacy, color, and vibrancy to concepts.

Also, along with photographs, they provide a visual image that makes concepts more personal and tangible.

Because they are open to interpretation, they can stimulate thought, creativity, and introspection. They also evoke emotional reactions, which will ensure better retention of the learning concepts they represent.

Agenda Process Map

We have discussed the use of an agenda process map to keep the participants and the trainer on track and aware of how each section of the training relates to the others. When color, symbols, and pictures are added to the agenda process map, it can be a decorative reinforcement of the key concepts in each training segment.

Establish a Theme

Pictures can be used to establish a theme for the training. This may be in specific terms (such as pictures of fish for FISH training) . On the other hand, this may be in symbolic terms (such as white water rafting as a metaphor for managing change). Pictures and photographs can depict the different stages in a procedure or process that will be taught, or the desired results from the training.

Mind Maps

Participants may draw mind maps, either as part of an exercise or as their own way of processing information.

Draw Themselves

Pictures can also be used to help participants get a different perspective on themselves, their organization, or specific issues. For example, you can ask participants to describe themselves as a vehicle, a food, or an animal. Next, you can examine the significance of the examples and characteristics they chose. However, many people do not think of themselves as artistic. For this reason, it is important to lessen their anxiety by emphasizing that they should not worry about accuracy. What is more important is

  • what they choose to draw and
  • what words they use to describe what they have drawn.

Create a Collage

Another alternative is to provide magazines, poster paper, scissors, and glue. Then have the participants cut out pictures and words to create a collage. It may represent how they view their organization, an issue, or the topic at hand.

Job Aids

Pictures or photographs can be excellent job aids for participants who must follow specific steps in a process. In instances where the participants lack literacy, pictures or photographs can facilitate and ease the learning process by taking the emphasis off of reading material.

Digital Photographs

Digital photographs can be used to capture participant work that has been posted on flipcharts, for later distribution via email. This is a quick and convenient alternative to transcribing the flipchart information.

In summary, pictures and photographs have a wide range of applications. They can satisfy the visual learners and enhance the learning environment and process for everyone.

Next week, we will discuss the use of tables, charts, and diagrams.


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