“Forget about likes and dislikes. They are of no consequence. Just do what must be done. This may not be happiness, but it is greatness.” George Bernard Shaw
What I don’t like:
- Small fonts in corporate templates
- Grey letters on a black background
- Forms sent through the mail that have to be written rather than typed
- Proposals that receive no response
- Corporate clients who pay 45-60 days after invoicing
- The requirement to take credit cards in order to be able to have work with federal government agencies
- PowerPoint slide printouts as participant handouts
- PowerPoint slides filled with tiny print
- Banks and credit unions that charge service fees on business accounts
- Conferences that provide no speaker room for materials and equipment
- Participants going in and out of the classroom, taking phone calls
- Participants texting during class
- Training rooms with no windows
- Training rooms where the temperature cannot be controlled
- Room set ups that have half of the participants seated with their backs to the front of the class
- Delayed and cancelled airplane flights
- Having to race to get to my next plane
- Long airplane flights
- Tiny crowded seats on airplanes
- Losing my luggage
- Having to pay for wireless access in hotel rooms
- Having to move heavy tables and chairs to set up training rooms
- Not knowing the language of the country I’m visiting
- Cigarette smoke in hotel lobbies (in other countries)
What would you add to this list?
May your learning be sweet,