Tip #477: International Travel Tips- Part One

International Travel Tips:

  • what I’ve learned from my international travel: Pack all medications and a complete change of clothing in your carry on bag
  • Wear compression stockings for long flights
  • Bring your own water bottle onto the plane
  • If you will be changing airlines, check to see how your baggage will be handled
  • If you will have a long layover, check to see if there is a Yotel in the airport. You can both take a shower and get some rest there.
  • Realize that other countries use different power. Make sure you have an adapter that will handle it. If you don’t have an adapter, the hotel will most likely be able to provide one free of charge
  • It’s possible that you won’t be able to use your cell phone in another country. Make sure to pack your phone where you can find it easily upon your return to the States
  • Be prepared for currency exchange rates

What I’ve Also Learned

  • Do NOT go souvenir hunting when you are tired. You are likely to pay much more than you planned or wanted
  • Learn some words in the language of the country you are visiting. Just make sure that when you use those words, they are appropriate to the situation!
  • If you are allergic to smoke, be aware that many countries still have smokers
  • Even if you have no metal on your person, it is possible that a security screen will beep anyway
  • Make sure to tell your bank and credit cards if you will be traveling out of the country. Otherwise, they will see what looks like suspicious activity. Then they will  possibly freeze your access and assets.
  • There are TSA approved locks for luggage. They keep your luggage secure, while allowing TSA access. You will be able to see if TSA opened your luggage. There will be a red dot on the lock- as well as any postcard they may leave inside!
  • Skype and Zoom are wonderful ways to stay in touch with people, either by phone or by video call. Determine the time difference and pre-schedule a time for calls.
  • If you have to wash clothing in your room without detergent, shampoo works better than soap.

If you’d like to discuss my international travels, please book a call using https://laurelandassociates.com/contact/

May your learning be sweet.


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