This Tip looks at the relay race, which is a quick and easy kinesthetic and experiential learning activity.
The kinesthetic learner is often the most difficult to satisfy in classroom training. However, there are some creative ways to add movement to classroom content review activities. These kinesthetic activities provide whole body learning, which increases retention.
Today, we will discuss the Relay Race, which I first saw used by Elaine Biech, who is well known for her creativity as a trainer.
Elaine is the editor of the prestigious Pfeiffer Annuals and the author of such books as:
- TQM for Training,
- Marketing Your Consulting Services,
- The Business of Consulting, and
- Training for Dummies.
You can learn more about Elaine Biech at her website:
A Relay Race
A Relay Race is a timed competitive team activity.
It can be used at any time you would like to review what learners have learned.
It is intended to provide some competitive and physical team activity. It also meets the needs of kinesthetic learners.
The trainer asks the participants to list three things they have learned about a specific topic.
While they are doing this, the trainer sets 2-3 flip charts in corners of the room. Use masking tape to create a starting mark on the floor about 12 feet from the flipchart. Then put groups together to form 2 or 3 teams of 8-12 people.
Prepared Flipcharts
You will need one prepared flipchart for each team.. On the flipchart, you can write the name of someone important to the content vertically on the left side of the flipchart. Make sure that there is only one letter of the name on each line.
For example, Malcolm Knowles for adult learning, or perhaps the name of the CEO of your company for the mission of the organization. The teams will be racing to write down something that they have learned. It has to start with each of the letters in the name on the flip chart. So it is important that the name is long enough to give the participants sufficient challenge.
You may also want to incorporate seasonal fun and use Frosty The Snowman, or Summer Vacation, or something similar. Or you can write Motivational Skills or some other topic title.
In the alternative, if you are teaching technical terms or product features, the flip chart could have several rows of categories for the participants to fill in.
The point of the relay race is to incorporate fun into a timed content review.
Assign Each Team to a Flipchart
Once the teams are formed, assign each team to a flipchart and explain the rules. Note that you can establish any rules and point penalties that you like.
Possible Rules
For example:
• Everyone must remain behind the starting line until it is their turn. If caught, it will cost the team 1 point.
• Each team uses only one marker. Using more than one marker will result in the loss of 1 point.
• Everyone on the team must have one turn to write on the flipchart before someone writes a second time. Not following this rule will cost the team 2 points.
• Each team has 7 minutes to write. They write one thing someone on the team has learned about the specific content that starts with the letters of the name listed on the flipchart.
• Teams receive 1 point for each correct item. There is only 1 point possible for each letter in the name.
Or, you might just use the first two rules with penalties, which is what I generally do.
Start the Race
Count down to start the race. Shout or use a bell or buzzer to end the game after 7 minutes. Allow the person who is writing time to finish.
Add up the points, one for each item learned, deducting any penalties. Provide a prize to the winning team. To be gracious, provide a prize to everyone.
As with any game, it is important to tie the information generated during the game back to the participant’s formal awareness. Have them write down how they will apply what they have learned and discuss their answers.
There are a number of benefits to the use of a Relay Race.
Build physical activity into content review.
Increase participant physical energy.
Link what they are learning to what they already know.
Add a competitive feature to content review.
Give kinesthetic learners an opportunity to move their bodies in order to learn.
Test the participants’ ability to literally think on their feet.
Make learning review fun.
Level of Learning:
Learning Preferences:
Kinesthetic, as well as aural, visual, print, and interactive.
Next week, we will discuss another kinesthetic experiential learning activity useful for checking either knowledge or comprehension: a gallery walk.
If your trainers would like to learn how to design and facilitate experiential learning activities, please book a call to discuss a tailored train-the-trainer program.