Tip #45: 60 Second Pop-Ups, a Quick Kinesthetic Learning Activity

This Tip explains how to use 60-second pop-ups to check knowledge, comprehension, or retention.

The kinesthetic learner is often the most difficult to satisfy in classroom training. However, there are some creative ways to add movement to classroom content review activities. These kinesthetic activities provide whole body learning, which increases retention.

60-Second Pop-Ups

Today, we will discuss 60-Second Pop-Ups, which Sharon Bowman introduces in her book: The Ten-Minute Trainer.

Sharon is an excellent kinesthetic trainer. She is also a prolific author of such books as:

  • Preventing Death by Lecture,
  • Shake, Rattle & Roll: Using the Ordinary to Make Your Training Extraordinary,
  • How to Give It so They Get It, and
  • Presenting with Pizzazz.

You can learn more about Sharon Bowman at her website: www.bowperson.com


A 60-Second Pop-Up involves having a few or all learners “pop up” out of their chairs. Then they offer topic-related information in response to your statement, request or challenge.


It can be used at any time you would like to review what learners have learned or will do with what they have learned.


It is intended to provide some physical activity in a 60-second review. It specifically meets the needs of kinesthetic learners. However, standing also causes blood to flow to the brain. This energizes and revitalizes participants.


The trainer posts a topic-related question, an assignment, a list of topic-related terms, or a challenge, etc., on a flip chart or PowerPoint slide. Then the trainer indicates how many Pop-Ups are necessary within the minute.


For example, “A Pop-Up is when a person pops up out of their chair and states the most important thing that they have learned so far. In order to earn our break, we need to have 15 Pop-Ups from the group in the next 60 seconds. Time begins now.”

Another example: “The last person to pop up out of their chair has to explain to the whole group how they plan to use what has been learned.”

A third example: “Stand up. Ask the person standing next to you a question about the material we’ve covered. Sit back down when that person has finished answering the question to your satisfaction.”

Add Competition

You can add competition into the mix by seeing how many Pop-Ups each group can do in 60 seconds. The group with the most Pop-Ups gets a prize.

Rather than competing against each other, the group can compete against their own record.

Instead of setting a specific number of Pop-Ups for the group, have them see how many they can do in 60 seconds. Then, during a second round of Pop-Ups later, challenge them to beat their own whole group score.


There are a number of benefits to the use of a 60-Second Pop-Up:

  • It can build physical activity into a 60-second content review.
  • It can increase participant physical energy.
  • It can link what they are learning to what they already know.
  • It can add a competitive feature to content review.
  • It can give kinesthetic learners an opportunity to move their bodies in order to learn.
  • It can test the participants’ ability to literally think on their feet..
  • It can make learning review fun.

Level of Learning:

Comprehension or analysis.

Learning Preferences:

Kinesthetic, as well as aural, visual, print, and interactive, depending upon how the Pop-Up is communicated.

Next week, we will discuss another quick kinesthetic experiential learning activity useful for checking comprehension: a relay race.

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