Tip #23: Create a motivational environment: Interest

Interest is the fifth motivational training technique.

We tend to want to learn what interests us. We also remember what interests us. As a result, it is up to the instructor to select content, create learning activities, and maintain learning environments that capture the learners’ interest.

5. Interest:

Interest in the learning task has been demonstrated to affect a learner’s intention to learn.

The instructor can promote interest in two ways:

  1. The instructor can use the learners’ interest in themselves.
  2. The material can be made more interesting by accentuating the novel or vivid; that which is different or unexpected.


Build on the Learners’ Interest in Themselves

Relate the material to be learned to the learners’ lives.

a. Use learners’ names. Call on them by name. Incorporate their name into a case study or example. They will definitely perk up and pay attention!

b. Use examples that refer to the learners’ experiences. You can provide the examples or you can ask the learners to identify examples from their own situations. This will bring the content alive. It will also give the learners an opportunity to see how it applies in their real worl.

Change the Focus of Attention

  • Change the instructor’s voice or position in the room,
  • Change learning activities,
  • Move the focus from instructor decisions to learner decisions,
  • Move the focus from handout to PowerPoint slide.

If your trainers struggle with creating and maintaining a motivational learning environment, please book a call to discuss a tailored train-the-trainer program. https://laurelandassociates.com/contact/

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