The fourth motivational training technique is Confidence. The six motivational traing techniques involve: moving from Extrinsic to Intrinsic Motivation by setting learners up for Success. They know they’re successful because of Knowledge of Results, which builds their Confidence. After that, we capture their Interest, raise or lower their Concern, and ultimately create a positive Feeling.
Once learners have had a successful learning experience and, based on knowledge of results, received validation that they have been successful, they will have increased confidence in their ability to learn.
4. Confidence:
If learners are to succeed, they must believe that when they expend effort- something they completely control- they will experience success. If, however, learners believe that success or failure is the result of ability, task difficulty, or luck- factors over which they have limited control- then there is no point in putting forth a lot of effort.
Example: An instructor can instill confidence in learners by breaking a new task down and teaching each step separately, making sure that each learner has learned the first step before moving on to the next step.
An instructor can also check for comprehension before the learners apply what they learned, which increases their likelihood of success.
In addition, an instructor can use a variety of learning activities to meet the needs of different learning preferences, so that the learners can learn more easily and feel more confident in their abilities.
Learners also need to be given sufficient practice so that they can see that their ability and competence with the new skill or task increases.
What can you do to help your participants increase their confidence?
If you would like to learn how to use the motivational techniques, please book a call to discuss a tailored train-the-trainer program.