Tip #20: Success Creates a Motivational Environment

Success is the second motivational training technique. We tend to prefer activities in which we are successful. As a result, setting learners up for success can be a good way to move them from extrinsic to intrinsic motivation.

2. Success:

In order to feel successful, a person must expend effort and have a certain degree of uncertainty about the outcome. Learner success is responsive to two factors which the instructor controls: (1) the level of difficulty of the learning task and (2) the training design and teaching skills which will make the learners’ learning more probable.


Techniques that contribute to successsful learning include:

  • teaching basic information before teaching more complex information,
  • presenting just a few new concepts at a time,
  • using language familiar to the learners,
  • following a logical sequence of activities,
  • explaining a difficult concept by using a familiar metaphor, and
  • providing sufficient practice so that a new skill becomes comfortable and familiar.

What else can you do to help your participants experience success?

We will explore the other motivational training techniques that help to convert extrinsic motivation into intrinsic motivation in future Tips.

If your trainers would benefit by knowing how to use the seven motivational training techniques, please book a call to discuss a tailored train-the-trainer program. https://laurelandassociates.com/contact/

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