8. If you would like to create crossword puzzles, these sites are free:
- http://www.crosswordpuzzlegames.com/create.htm
- http://www.edhelper.com/puzzles.htm
- http://www.awesomeclipartforkids.com/crossword/crosswordpuzzlemaker.html
- http://www.puzzle-maker.com/CW/
9. The following websites offer free teaching and training information:
- http://www.bowperson.com
- http://www.alcenter.com
- http://www.thiagi.com
- http://www.bobpike.com
- http://www.guilamuir.com
- https://laurelandassociates.com
10. Excellent books include:
- Sharon Bowman: The Ten-Minute Trainer!
- C. Leslie Charles/Chris Clarke Epstein: The Instant Trainer
- David Meier: The Accelerated Learning Handbook
- Bob Pike: Creative Training Techniques Handbook
- Mel Silberman: 101 Ways to Make Training Active
- Harold Stolovitch: Telling Ain’t Training
- Steven Sugar: Games That Teach