Day Three in Nigeria

This Tip is about day three in Nigeria for the train the trainer program.

Happy International Women’s Day!

First of all, let me be the first to say to all of the women reading this email- Happy International Women’s Day!  According to Tricia, every country except the US celebrates it. Each of my participants came up to shake my hand and congratulate me. Who knew?

Taking Photos?

Some of you have asked if I am taking a lot of pictures. My dears, I am not out strolling. I am in a car at 7 or 7:30 a.m. for a drive that is anywhere from 30-60 minutes to get to the hotel when the training is sited.

Then I am in a car at 5:30 or 6:30 p.m. to get back to our hotel.

I tried to take pictures as we drove today and

(1) got sea sick,

(2) got a headache, and

(3) got told by Ayo, our driver, that I should make sure no one saw me taking pictures or we would all be arrested.

So I stopped.

I believe that we (Tricia and I) will be going with Bassey to see a local artisan. If that’s the case, perhaps I’ll be able to walk and take photos. In lieu of that, I’ll just have to give you word pictures.

No Candy, No Air Conditioning

When we got to the training room today, day three in Nigeria, we found that all of the candy had been taken from the bowls. A bit later, we learned that the hotel staff actually sleep in that room! They had shown admirable restraint not taking the candy the first night.

We also lost the air conditioning for about an hour. It was probably 100 F and 100% humidity outside. As a result, things got very very warm in a hurry. Just as we were going to move into another part of the hotel that had air conditioning, they fixed ours. Thank goodness that it was even better and cooler than it had been for the previous two days. Whew!

Day Three in Nigeria, I am so thrilled by the participants. They are very astute and clearly have absorbed the accelerated learning concepts. They handed in their completed home practice assignment. This was to create a lesson plan avoiding the use of lecture. Happily, they were masterful in their lesson design.

My one minor disappointment today was the fact that no one noticed I was wearing a pin in the shape of Africa and African earrings to match. My mother brought them back when she and Dad went to Africa.  I felt very snazzy. Tricia suggested that perhaps they were so used to seeing this type of jewelry it didn’t register with them. Maybe.

Scooter and Small Boats

On the way to the training hotel, we saw what must have been an entire family of 6 people on one scooter! I wish I’d been able to get a picture of that.

I also wish that I could get a few photos of the fishing boats on the water. In the morning, there is a mist or fog over the water. The small boats are very graceful, similar to those you would see in photos of Japanese fishermen. Every now and then there is a boat with a square sail. Otherwise the boats are moved with long paddles from a standing position.

That’s all I can manage tonight. I’m bushed!

If you are interested in learning how to design and facilitate accelerated learning training, please book a call to discuss a tailored train-the-trainer program.

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